Time to get to know me better. :)


Let’s start with a few fun facts about me:

  • I love to travel. I was bitten by the travel bug in 2016 with my first international trip to Thailand, and I have since been to Costa Rica and hiked the Inca Trail! My recent travels have been more about beaches and less about adventures, but I also spend more time than I should looking for my next adventure trip.

  • While it’s currently not officially diagnosed (because I’ve been avoiding completing the paperwork for my dr.), I am grateful for a family dr that is comfortable helping me find what meds are best for me and my ADHD 🧠

  • I love spreadsheets. I nerd out on all the awesome things they can do, and I’ve only scratched the surface with my knowledge. 🤓

  • I am fluent in sarcasm, profanity and smart-ass comments. If you are too, we should probably work together. 🤑

  • I ♥️ emojis and !!!! and use way too many of both based on ‘professional’ standards

  • My little family is the best (although I may be biased)! My hubby and I have been together, he is my biggest accountability buddy in life and doesn’t even realize it! My kiddo has grown up to be the most amazing human, and I am beyond grateful for their amazing growth and all of the things they have taught me! 💗

  • 🫤 I suck at directions, timezone conversions, remembering anything that isn’t in my calendar and math! Yes, you read that right, I am not good with doing math calculations in my head, but that’s what calculators and spreadsheets are for!


I did not become a Coach because it was what I wanted to be when I grew up. My journey to finding my passion and becoming a business owner was completely unplanned and has been a bumpy ride at times, but I am grateful every day. I get to do what I love AND help my clients achieve things they never thought were possible for them, all while developing really amazing relationships with the best people! ♥️

The seed that grew into my business was planted the day I got fired after almost 17 years with the company. To say I was shocked is a complete understatement. I was scared about what the future would bring and I didn’t know what was next. Today I am grateful every day to have had what I call my 2x4 moment of getting fired because it led me to my true path.

After working my ass off to learn everything I could about money so we didn’t get buried in mountains of debt after losing my job, I was able to make some huge shifts in our household finances. After learning more about myself and stumbling down ADHD TikTok, I started to understand myself so much better. It allowed me to see how everything I had put in place to manage our money aligned with how my brain works.

In 2022, after listening to my gut, and working with my own coach, I realized that the Universe was giving me signs that it was time to change course in my business (thankfully, I’ve worked on myself a lot and now listen to the signs without the need for a 2x4). I was able to shift my focus to helping others who have brains that don’t fit the traditional ways!

Sherry :)